The Local Vineyard Church Podcast

How to Not Worry

The Local

Ever wondered how your strongest thoughts might be steering your entire life journey? Looking to Philippians 4:6, we draw wisdom from the Apostle Paul, emphasizing how prayer and gratitude can guide us toward peace amidst life's turbulence.

Discover the transformative power of prayer beyond its spiritual significance—what if prayer could actually change your brain? We dive into the fascinating intersection of spirituality and science with insights from neurotheology, exploring how prayer not only touches the divine but also rewires the brain's chemistry, fostering positivity and neuroplasticity. As we confront worry, we frame it as a challenge to trust in God's promises, urging listeners to let the Spirit guide their thoughts and renew their minds. Imagine trusting divine care so deeply that worry becomes a catalyst for spiritual growth.

Embrace unity and compassion as we invite you into a space of connection and spiritual encouragement. Even amidst mental health struggles or turbulent relationships, know that you are loved and not alone.

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Speaker 1:

All right, all right, can we just say something real fast? How awesome was it to have the kids in worship with us? Oh, my goodness, that was so awesome. And, man, that just really blessed my heart. And again, like Brandy mentioned, hey, man, we see ourselves at LVC as multigenerational. Multicultural Because the reason why, and the reason why? Because that's what heaven is going to look like, and so we're just trying to do our best to bring heaven on earth. All right, you know what I'm saying, so that sounds good to me. Okay, here you go. I got a question, though, for you, not on the kids singing, because that was great.

Speaker 1:

On a not so positive note, do you ever just find yourself caught in a cycle of worry? Do you ever just worry? And are you like such a good worrier that you can create like scenarios in your head that aren't even happening? Because you're just so good at worrying, you can write like a whole screenplay about a life circumstances that's not even happening. Have you ever wondered why we can worry so much? Here you go. Maybe you can relate to this. Maybe you can relate to this.

Speaker 1:

Say, you're a student, right, you're a student and you're worried about making a bad grade on a test, because you know, if you make a bad grade on a test, then you're worried you won't get into the right college. And then, if you won't get into the right college, you won't get the right job. And if you don't get the right job, then you will marry the wrong person. And if you marry the wrong person, then you start to think well, I'm going to have the wrong kind of kids. And if I have the wrong kids, they're going to need braces, and braces are expensive. And then, once I put braces on them, I can't afford to send them to college because I'm still playing my college debts and their braces at the same time. So they'll end up they won't get an education, they'll end up having a life of crime and go to prison, which gives me a headache. And speaking of a headache, webmd says I have a tumor.

Speaker 1:

Can we all relate to that a little bit? All right, we started to get caught up in our thoughts, you know, but for real that may be an exaggeration, but not too far off, okay, but for real, worry happens and we feel worried about things. Maybe you watch the news and, yeah, that probably makes you pretty worried, doesn't it? Or you hear what happens in the life of someone and that makes you worried. Or you're fighting for a good marriage and you're wondering if it's ever going to work out. Maybe you got more bills to pay than money that you're earning. Maybe you're trying to make some kind of decision for the future, and it's so easy to have your mind race and be overwhelmed with very real feelings of anxiety and fear. Okay, here you go.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna be reading from Philippians again today, and the context of this story, though, is very important, because the apostle Paul, he writes this letter and this letter is known as the letter of joy and check this out. He doesn't write it on his beach vacation, he doesn't write it when things are going great. He writes this letter while he's in a Roman prison awaiting execution, and this is what he says to us. This is the word of the Lord today. Philippians 4, 6 says this do not be anxious about anything. Easier said than done, right. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds. In Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy. Think about such things and the God of peace come on. The God of peace will be with you. Think about such things and the peace of God and the God of peace.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to conclude our four-part series. What in the War in your Mind? And we're going to talk about how is it to not worry? How can we not worry? How can we calm our anxious mind? Okay, so here we go.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about worry, let's talk about anxiety. Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thought. Your life, my life, our lives are moving in the strongest direction, moving in the direction of our strongest thought, which is really good news. If your mind is moving in a positive direction, if you're thinking good things, you got good things going. But it's bad news. It's bad news if you're overwhelmed with anxiety, if you got stress, you got fear, you got negative things happening and that's the constant thing you're thinking about.

Speaker 1:

What do we know about the mind? Well, we've been talking about scripture and science for the past four weeks, and the good news is that God is the God of science and in our minds we know there is this little almond-shaped thing. Oh man, this word just got me. I drew a blank. What's the thing in your mind that's your flight or flight or fight Amygdala man, that word is not spelled, pronounced the way it's spelled. Okay, so, and the amygdala there you go is an interesting little part of the brain that's shaped like an almond, which is kind of fun, and it's the part of the brain wired for survival.

Speaker 1:

If you ever find yourself in a moment that you feel like you need to fight or you need to fight, that's your amygdala actively engaged. That's what's happening Anytime you're in danger. It's this God-given little portion in your brain that kicks in and sends your body strong doses of adrenaline that says you need to get out, you need to run or you need to guard yourself. For example, a few months ago I was looking for my charger to my power drill, because I was going to be like Tim the Toolman, taylor and fix something and I was looking for my charger. Notice, I was looking for my charger to my drill, meaning I don't use it a lot and I was looking for it and I was moving some stuff on my workbench and then, all of a sudden I saw this thing. So when I saw that, the thing in my head that says fight or fight, fight or flight says run, baby run, because that snake is going to eat you and your kids. So it's pretty scary right there. Oh, we never found it. Maybe it's still in my house, okay, but but. But. But so you know, made me want to run. Maybe for you.

Speaker 1:

You're driving your car and all of a sudden the car next to you starts to swerve into your lane. It's your amygdala that all of a sudden kicks in and says be aware, be careful, you're in danger. That guy's texting and driving. You know, beep your horn If you're in a deep sleep and all of a sudden you feel the presence of somebody standing over you in your bed and you look up and see your six-year-old and then you scream, which makes your six-year-old cry, which then makes your wife mad. That's your amygdala. That happened to me.

Speaker 1:

You know it's that God-given portion of your brain for protection. The problem is it's only objective. It's only objective. It's simply hardwired to protect and it's easily triggered. And that's why there's another thing that God has given us, called our prefrontal cortex Now, which isn't really fully developed until you're 25. So that helps explain your youth a little bit. Okay, so this is the logical part of your brain that tends to think logically Noise at night, you know. One part of your brain is screaming run, there's someone breaking in. The other part of your brain is saying it's just a cat, it's all right, it's fine, you know. So one part of your brain is all panic. The other part of your brain is all logic.

Speaker 1:

The problem that happens sometimes is with our pre-programming, the things, the filters in which we view the world. In other words, if you have certain things happen to you, you have certain experiences happen to you, you tend to believe those things more than other things, and that makes sense. It makes sense the way our brains are working. And I don't know about you, but maybe because of some hurt or some fears, maybe some past trauma in your life, or even just a misunderstanding of something that happened to you, my guess is there are certain places, people, events or even news that triggers something in you, that triggers an anxiety, a fear, a worry and because of that trigger, it can lead us to make decisions that we wish we didn't make. It can cause us to feed into that addictive behavior that we have swore I'm never going to do again. It can cause us to step back and break away from community, even though community is probably what we really need. It can make us say, god, I can't trust you with this. Even though absolute surrender to God is our best first step, it's this thing that triggers us.

Speaker 1:

That's why, from a Roman prison, the Apostle Paul says this do not be anxious about anything. Now I've got to say something about this, because this is again one of those verses easier said than done. Right, easier said than done. But listen, what did Jesus tell us when Jesus was teaching us how to pray? There's one of these portions on the Lord's Prayer that he says give us today our daily bread.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, when teaching us how to pray, says everything, everything you got, from the small things to the big things you're worried about, god cares. Not only does God care, he's very interested in it. Not only is he interested and he cares, he wants to be with you in it. So, from the smallest thing, like something that's happening at your school or your workplace, or to a big thing about what's your future going to look like, or a marriage that's having a hard time God cares. And so Paul is saying because we serve a God who cares everything, anything, anything at all, you don't have to be anxious about it, because in every situation, because God cares, pray about it. Bring it to prayer by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, and I love this part. Pray about it. Bring it to prayer by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, and I love this part With thanksgiving. Why did he say thanksgiving? He wanted turkey With thanksgiving.

Speaker 1:

He's saying to come to the Lord with a heart of gratitude. And the reason why I think he says this is because it's easy for us to come to God and say God, are you really going to show up for me, god? I don't know if I really trust you with this. I mean God. I mean no, he's saying Thanksgiving. He said I'm going to come to God with a heart of Thanksgiving because he helped me back then and chances are he's going to help me today, like he came through for me when I didn't think he was going to come through for me back then. And so I got this current problem. I got this current issue that's eating away at me. I can't sleep because I'm thinking about it, I'm stressed out about it, but, god, I'm going to bring it to you because you came through for me first. So, with thanksgiving, knowing that you are God and you are on top and you are in charge, I'm going to bring it to you right now, with the heart of thanksgiving. He says present your request to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts, come on and your mind in Christ Jesus.

Speaker 1:

It's so crazy to me, though, how, even how often Jesus followers, how often Jesus followers who've even seen the work of God in their lives, how often Jesus followers devalue and forget about the importance of prayer, how often we forget about how important it is to pray Now. I can almost imagine, because a lot of us, we get in situations, and we got problems, we got things, and we say this, we say all we can do now is pray, all we have left to do is pray, and God's in heaven. Like as if that's like your last thing you got to do, as if I'm not the God who heals the sick, as if I'm not the God who can resurrect the dead, as if I'm not the God who placed every single star in the sky, put all the fishes in the ocean, yet love you more than all those things, see. See, friends, it's the principle of the first things. It's the principle of the first thing.

Speaker 1:

And prayer? Prayer does not need to be our last resort, but our first response. Prayer does not need to be our Hail Mary Aaron Rodgers passing to the end zone, but it can be our Jaden Daniels First round pick, looking better than what everyone else thought he was going to do. Go, commanders. There ain't even no Commanders fans up in here. You gave up on them, it's okay. It's okay, here you go. No, prayer is powerful and as followers of Jesus, we have to recognize that prayer is never our last line of defense. It's always our first line of offense.

Speaker 1:

The author of Hebrews says this. He says let us come boldly before the throne of grace. We can come in prayer boldly, with confidence. Why? Because he's there for us in our time of need. Jesus said you have not. Why? Because you ask not. You haven't prayed yet.

Speaker 1:

Prayer is also powerful. Not only does prayer move the heart of God, but check this out, check this out Prayer changes the chemistry in your brain. What you mean about that? What you talking about, jacob? What you talking about Willis? Here you go, here you go. I'm science Jacob, right now. Call me Professor Jacob, check this out. I'm going to say this again Not only does prayer touch and move the heart of God, but prayer also changes the chemistry in your brain, which is fascinating to me, because for decades, neurologists believed that your brain didn't change after adolescence.

Speaker 1:

And who in here is thankful that your brain has changed since adolescence? Come on, I thought some things when I was 15. I'm glad I ain't thinking today. You know they show that wasn't true, okay, but your brain is constantly changing, it's constantly evolving and it continues to change and it continues to rewire itself. We talked about neural pathways there in this series, which basically is, when you think a thought, it's easier to think that thought again. That's what Dr Seuss says, and our brains are continuously changing. In fact, the term is called neuroplasticity, come on, and it means that we're constantly involved in rewiring ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Now, I love the study of something called neurotheology. Now, neurotheology is the study of the mind in God, and it's also known as spiritual neuroscience. What neurotheology does is fascinating. It studies the relationship between the brain and the belief in God. And here's what research shows. Okay, research shows that prayer actually changes your brain.

Speaker 1:

In fact in the book I would recommend to you. You can actually put this book up here right now. I encourage everyone to read it. I don't say this about every book I read, but this is one of the books. I say you should read this book, and it's only like 200 pages, so that makes it even better. Okay, so I encourage you to read this.

Speaker 1:

Caroline Leaf says this. She says on her brain switch on your brain it has been found that 12 minutes of daily focused prayer over an eight-week period can change the brain to such an extent that it can be measured on a brain scan. Now that's pretty powerful, right? It's kind of crazy, because this is what science is saying. But Paul who my guess wasn't a scientist from what I understand wrote he said you can be changed by the renewing of your mind, as if God's word is divinely written. Come on, come on. So not only does prayer touch the heart of God, but prayer changes the mind, it changes the brain. Just as toxic and negative thoughts harm your brain, prayer heals your brain, it transforms your brain and it literally renews it.

Speaker 1:

So why do we worry? Here you go. Here's the question why do we worry? Why do we find ourselves so anxious? If we're followers of Jesus, if we're Jesus followers, if we're everyday people who are just learning how to become Jesus followers, why do we still struggle with worry? And that's because oftentimes our brains are hijacked. Our brains are hired and wired to protect. It says you're in trouble, you better take control, you better work harder, you better stay up to two in the morning worrying about something that you can't even fix right now. Because if you don't stay up till two in the morning replaying the situation over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again in your brain, it might not get fixed. So science would say we're experiencing a hijack in our brain.

Speaker 1:

Scripture would say that our mind is dominated by sinful thinking. In fact, the definition of worry is this it is this is that worry is the sin of distrusting the promises and power of God. Now, interesting enough to say Jesus says something in Matthew 6, and you can fact check me if you want but he says do not worry. He didn't say hey, do your best not to worry. He didn't say hey, try to not worry. He says do not worry. So, if I'm reading my scripture correctly, to not worry is a command from Jesus. And so when we worry and here you go, I'm stepping on my own toes here when we worry, we are actually in sin. Come on, ouch, I stepped on my own foot on that one. So this is what worry is Okay.

Speaker 1:

So worry is essentially saying God, I don't trust you, I don't believe in your goodness in this situation. I don't believe you care about what I care about. I don't believe you're going to this situation. I don't believe you care about what I care about. I don't believe you're going to come through. I'm going to worry about this because ultimately, god, I don't trust you. I don't trust you. And so, instead of letting my sinful nature control my mind which is what we can easily do what we want to do as followers of Jesus is choose to let the Spirit direct my thinking. Let the Spirit direct my thinking, instead of letting my sinful nature run. And one thing I like to pray is just come Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit. I'm stressed out, I'm worried. Come Holy Spirit. In this moment, I surrender this to you, and so that's what we have to do.

Speaker 1:

Paul continues. He says in Romans. He says those who are dominated by the sinful nature, think about what Sinful things. But those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death, but letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. And so that's why we're going to take every thought captive and we're going to make it obedient to Jesus.

Speaker 1:

From a scientific standpoint, we're going to let our prefrontal cortex control our thinking. We're going to say no, no, no. We're not going to be irrational. We're going to quit being irrational. We're going to choose to be spiritual. We're going to choose to give this to God. I'm choosing God by faith, to trust in you, god, not what my mind is trying to tell me. I'm not going to let my sinful nature, fearful, dishonoring nature, run my mind in the wrong direction. Instead, I'm intentionally choosing the Holy Spirit to direct my thoughts. In fact, I'll give you a visual illustration of this. Here you go this is our box, and we often have this box, and this is kind of. This is what kind of can happen sometimes. Right, it kind of happened this way.

Speaker 1:

We, you know we serve a God who's faithful and good, and what can happen is sometimes we take our worries, we take our concerns. We take the things that we're worried about and we give them to God. We take our concerns, we give it to God. We give it to God, okay, we do it, we do it, we do it. But then, even though we gave our worries to God, we gave our fears to God, we leave it in there. God, we gave our fears to God, we leave it in there. And then we say they haven't emailed me back yet, but the text message says read, but they didn't respond. Are they out late still? Where they at on? Find my friends. Here you go.

Speaker 1:

And so what we begin to do is this Even though I gave it to God, I begin to take the worry and I bring it back here. So I take at first I gave it, but then I take it back and see, here's the thing that can happen, though Our worries often are bigger than our God. Our worries are often bigger than our God. Our worries are often bigger than our God. And so what we got to get good at doing is flipping it around, and our worries have to get smaller and our God has to get bigger.

Speaker 1:

And now this is what I want you to do, though okay, because I want to be practical today, because I want you, at your house today, to create your own God box. It don't have to be as cool as my box. You can use one of those Amazon boxes I'm sure everyone has one and I want you to just write God on it. And then I want you to put it in your house someplace, maybe on your dining room table or a spot by your keys, somewhere that's visible, somewhere that you see it, and I want you to have God. And then when you start to worry you're worried about your small business, you're worried about your marriage, you're worried about your kids, you're worried about the world, you're worried about whatever's happening I want you to have a little note card, I want you to write down your worry and then I want you to visually give it to God, put it in the box.

Speaker 1:

So then when you start to worry again, when that worry starts to dominate your mind, then I want you to walk to this box and I want you to visually take that worry out and take it away from God and give it back to yourself as an illustration. Okay, because what is it going to do? Is it's going to alert you and say, hey, why do I keep taking from God what I've given to God? Why do I keep taking the concerns instead of praying about it and worrying about it? And what we'll begin to see is that not only can we have our God box, not only is God with us and for us, but God doesn't want to just be God here and worries here. God wants us to give every aspect of ourselves to Him, and so we lay all of our worries into God, we lay it all on His heart, we give it all to Him and, like Jesus says, we come beside him and he will give us a burden and a rest. That is easy. So, friends, I want you to do this today. I want you to think how, how can I give my worries to God and can I be transparent with you guys today? How can I give my worries to God and can I be transparent with you guys today?

Speaker 1:

I worry way too much. Like I said, I stepped on my own toes, but I worry about things that kind of embarrass me sometimes. Like I worry about my kids and don't we all worry about our kids? But sometimes I worry so specifically about my kids that what if I'm leaving them in this school and doing this thing and that's going to cause them to be these kind of people. I worry about my marriage. Am I giving my wife enough attention? Am I meeting her needs? Am I so consumed with my work at times that I forget her?

Speaker 1:

Hey God, I worry about you guys, believe it or not, I pray for you guys every day. If you've come to our church more than two times, I add you to a personal prayer list that I have and I pray for you by name every single day, just to let you guys know I do that for you. But I worry about you. Sometimes. I worry if you're making the right decisions. Better yet, I actually worry if you're spending daily time with God.

Speaker 1:

Because here's the truth that I know. I know our church could grow. Our church has grown this past year. Right, it's been pretty cool to watch it. Our church will grow, but what is it to have a big church if we have people that have a small relationship with God? See, I want us to have a big church, don't get me wrong. I want us to reach those, like Jesus reached those, but I want us to have people that have a big relationship with God. So I worry about that you want to know what I need to start doing, what I have started doing. God, I give it to you. I give it to you, I trust you with them. I trust you with these people, I trust you with my kids, I trust you with my wife, I trust you with my own thing.

Speaker 1:

So what do we need to do? Instead of just giving our worries to God, we need to give Him every aspect of us and this is what I'm going to say, and I'll close with this Three big thoughts. Okay, here are three big thoughts of how we can defeat worry in our lives. Do what I can do. Do what you can do. Okay, when you're facing the thing, do what you can do.

Speaker 1:

For example, if you have an exam, you know you need to study, right. You know you need to read a book, you need to watch the lectures. If you're trying to get in shape, you know you got to get rid of the Doritos in Jesus' name. You know you do what you can do, right, you do what you can do. But then, second, give God what you can't do. Just give God. I can't say no to Doritos. They got a hold on me. Lord, you know you say God, I'll give you, that I'll give you.

Speaker 1:

And then, lastly, lastly, I'm going to trust God no matter what. So, do what you can Give God what you can't do, and trust God no matter what Because? But why do we trust Him? We trust Him because of who he is, because of His character, because of His nature. God, I'm going to do what I can and, god, I'm going to give you what I can and, no matter what, I'm going to cast my cares upon you because you care for me. And what I want to do, and what I want you to do and what you begin to experience, is you begin to experience the peace of God, like for some of us in here, when was the last time you just sat back in some silence, without notifications going on, and just asked yourself what does peace even look like? Some of us, we're so caught up in our chaos we can't even think of a life without peace, life without peace, a life with peace. But imagine a life where you actually have peace, shalom peace all around. That doesn't mean the absence of problems. That means peace to weather the storm in my problems. Come on. So here you go. Let's review real fast.

Speaker 1:

Let's review what we learned during this study, your life is moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts. So I have to ask you do you like the directions that your thoughts are taking you? Because for so long I didn't. My mind was dominated by negative, self-defeating thoughts. Jacob, you're pathetic, jacob, you're not good enough, you're never going to measure up, you don't have what it takes. How to give it to the Lord? Because if you don't control what you think, you'll never control what you do. So what are we going to do? We're going to identify the strongholds, whatever is the lie we've been believing, the dominant lie that our spiritual enemy keeps feeding to our brain. We're going to trust God with the truth and replace that lie with the truth, not just a practical truth, but with a spiritual truth from God. And then what do we do with that truth? We write it, thank it, confess it until we believe it. We write it, thank it, confess it until you believe it. So what do I do Every day, every day in my life, I have a daily declaration, and part of it I say Jesus, you are first in my life.

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I exist to love, serve and glorify you. Christ in me is stronger than the wrong desires in me. So you write it, you thank it, you confess it. I am growing closer to Jesus every day. I love people that confess it. I am growing closer to Jesus every day. I love people. That's not something I do. That's who I am. I am pure, I am honest, I am kind, I am joyful, I am playful. The world will be different and better today because I serve Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Declare what's true about you. Write it, fake it. Confess it until you believe it. Stop believing the lie. Write it, fake it, confess it until you believe it. Stop believing the lie. Write it, write it, confess it until you believe it. Think it until you believe it.

Speaker 1:

So, if you don't know what's true about you, I want to declare over you today that you are not a hostage to your unhealthy thoughts, because the weapons you fight with are not the weapons of this world. Your spiritual weapons have divine power to demolish strongholds. And what do you do? By the power and the authority of God, you demolish every stronghold that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. Worry is not your master. Why? Because you trust in God. His peace guards your heart, guards your mind and guards your soul in Christ Jesus.

Speaker 1:

You are not a slave to your habits. You are not a prisoner to your addiction. You are an overcomer, by the blood of the Lamb and by the power of your testimony. Come on, come on, you renew your mind. You renew your mind with truth, because we also know that you can't control what happens to you, but you can control how you frame it. You can't control everything that happens, but you can control how you frame it. You can look at life from a negative perspective and say this is bad, this is hard. Or you can look at it from a different perspective and say, god, you are good even in this thing.

Speaker 1:

And what's so powerful as Jesus followers is this we're not interpreting God through our life circumstances. God, god, where are you? God? You're bad because of this God? No, no, no. We're interpreting our life circumstances through the goodness of God. We're going to look at life that way and then, as followers of Jesus, we cover everything we do in prayer and we're not going to be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, we take our requests to God and the peace of God, the peace of God, the peace that the world cannot give us, that success and bigger houses and more things can't give us a peace that transcends all understanding, a peace that changes me from the inside out, because Jesus, jesus, he says I will give you more work, I'll give you more burdens. More work, I'll give you more burdens, I'll use you, throw you away when I'm done with you. No, no, no. The words of our Savior Come to me. All who are weary and burdened. Take my yoke upon you, for I am gentle and humble in heart and I will give you Come on, say it with me rest. Doesn't that sound good? Doesn't that sound better than worry? Doesn't that sound better than anxiety or fear? Rest.

Speaker 1:

And while the disciples were freaking out because of the storm that was going on, jesus was in the back of the boat, sleeping. Rest in the storm. So, god, jesus, holy Spirit, give us rest in the storm, give us peace in the uncertainty, give us joy when it's easier to complain. And, lord, we come to you and say we lay our worries, we cast our cares upon you because you care.

Speaker 1:

Come, holy Spirit, in this place I pray specifically for parents of teenage kids. There's so much media, so much stuff coming at your young people and I feel like the Lord is saying if you've got time to worry about it. You've got time to pray about it. Prayer changes everything. Maybe you're worried about a marriage or a relationship you're in. Come, holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

I just feel like the Holy Spirit I don't know if this is for someone specific or I don't know, just I'm going to throw it out there I just feel like the Lord is saying and yep, he wants to bring you together. I don't know what that means, I don't know if that's specific for a situation or where you've been split. The Lord is saying in your marriage, I want together, and together can be hard at times, but he says that's okay. He says that's okay because the things worth fighting for are the things worth having. So come, holy Spirit. We give you that. We give you that, lord and God, we pray for those who just battle mental health. Lord, the Lord's compassion for you. The Lord's compassion for you. It is a war in your mind. I feel like the Lord is saying he loves you, he's with you. You are not defected, you are not a mistake. You are a daughter or a son of the most high God. Compassion for you.

Speaker 1:

So if you're in here today, you don't know this Jesus I've been talking about, but you want to. I want to give you a moment to trust Jesus with your life. Maybe you have trust Jesus before, but life got in the way and you walked away and you want to trust Jesus again. I want to give you a moment to respond to what God is doing. I'm going to do something a little different than what I normally do. If you want to make a decision to trust Jesus with your life, I'm going to do a simple count to three and on three, you're going to shoot your hand up in the air, eyes closed, head bowed, just between us.

Speaker 1:

I just want to see who I'm praying for. So if you want to make a decision to trust Jesus with your life or trust him again, on three, I just want you to shoot your hand up in the air. One, two, three, amen, amen, amen. Pray this prayer with me, just right, where you are. You can say it out loud or say it in your heart. Just say Jesus, forgive me for my sins, make me new. Today I choose to follow you. Today I run towards you In Jesus' name. Amen, amen. Let's give God some praise in here today.